Please contact me to recommend a speaker or session
The 2020 diary is here. lots of unbooked sessions! The 2016 training diary is here The 2015 training diary is here The 2014 training diary is here The 2013 training diary is here. The 2012 training diary is here. The 2011 training diary is here. The 2010 training diary is here. The 2009 training day diary is here. Click here for the 2008 training day diary ( includes links to teaching materials and my notes from the sessions) Click here for the 2007 training day diary ( includes links to teaching materials and my notes from the sessions) Click here for last years 2006 training day diary ( includes links to teaching materials and my notes from the sessions) Training days are held on the second wednesday of the month, usually alternating between Bristol and Exeter Bristol training sessions will be in the medical school teaching labs opposite the department of Chemistry, the morning session between 10am and 12pm, afternoon between 1 and 3pm. In Exeter the sessions will take place in the seminar room of the Department of Histopathology, morning 10-12, afternoon 2-4pm. One of our trainees has made this fantastic training logbook. If you save it to your Google Drive account using this link you can then update it from anywhere. Or download the Microsoft XL file.DISCLAIMER! Please do not download and use these pictures elsewhere without permission! Consultant Pathologist |