Month: January 2019
A Poor Man’s opinion on EUS and EBUS: its not all necessarily ROSEy
Dr Tim Bracey. Abbreviations: PMCB = poor man’s cell block EUS = endoscopic ultrasound UBUS = endobronchial ultrasound FNA = fine needle aspiration ROSE = rapid on site evaluation Endoscopic and Endobronchial Ultrasound (EUS and EBUS) methods of sampling lesions lesions in the retroperitoneum and mediastinum otherwise difficult to reach without more invasive procedures such … Continue reading “A Poor Man’s opinion on EUS and EBUS: its not all necessarily ROSEy”
Gastrointestinal pathology update report
Dr Tim Bracey I recently had the pleasure of attending Roger Feakins’ GI pathology update course December 10th in London. In addition to the usual suspects, Marco Novelli, Neil Shepherd, Newton Wong, and the organiser himself, we were treated to some more excellent talks from International speakers, Profs Odze and Riddell (USA and Canada) as … Continue reading “Gastrointestinal pathology update report”